
Phil’s Beach

Yes, as of 2024 beach season, all Seniors 62 and over need to purchase a pass.  If you are a resident of Wauconda, a season pass is $2 and can be purchased at Phil’s Beach or at the front desk at Community Center.  Nonresident passes are $25 for the season.

Phil’s Beach is weather-dependent and can close due to the following circumstances:

  • Air Temperature below 70 degrees for 2 hours or more in the forecast
  • Low in-water attendance
  • Safety considerations determined by the Lake County Health Department
  • Lightning or heavy rain obscuring vision

If lightning, thunder, or heavy rain occurs, this will result in a 30-minute weather delay and clearance to the bathhouse for shelter. This delay will be in place until 30 minutes after the last observed lightning, thunder, or heavy rain weather condition.

Since 1971, the Wauconda Swimming Pool Foundation had formed and then worked to bring to the Wauconda community a facility that would provide swimming.  In November 2007, the Foundation gave its full support along with a check for $190,000 to the Wauconda Park District efforts in trying to accomplish this goal.  These monies were from the Foundation’s efforts to raise funds for over 30 years to be used towards providing a swimming facility. Prior to this, the foundation had donated $66,160 to the District for the same purpose.

After referendum attempts failed in 2000 and 2008, the Pool Foundation dissolved in June 2009 and donated the remainder of their funding to the Park District.  In total, the District received $289,049 from the Pool Foundation over the years.  These funds were put in a separate interest-bearing account at Wauconda Community Bank, per agreement.

In November 2019, The Wauconda Park District Board of Commissioners voted unanimously to use the $302,542 towards the Phil’s Beach Renovation Project.  After construction was completed in Spring of 2020, Phil’s Beach was subsequently opened to the public.


Yes, staff will ask for proof of the Beach Park Marina slip.

The Marine Patrol Unit for the Wauconda Police Department does the inspection on the lake.

May 1 through October 15.

  • Wauconda Park District checks only the ice conditions at the Beach Park (121 Murphy Street) ice rink (on Bangs Lake).
  • There are flags on the As We Grow Preschool building indicating if the rink is open or closed. Red means the ice is not safe to skate on. Green means the ice has reached a minimum of 8” and is acceptable for skating.
  • Hockey and ice skating are allowed. Please skate at your own risk.
  • Warming shelters are not available for use. A porta potty is available for use.
  • Ice fishing is allowed on Bangs Lake. Patrons should review Wauconda Park District ordinances 2.22 & 2.43 on the Wauconda Park District’s website or by following this link (https://www.waucondaparks.com/wp-content/uploads/ordinances.pdf). Patrons should review information on the Village of Wauconda’s website about Ice Shelter/Shanty regulations or by following this link: https://www.wauconda-il.gov/services/departments/police_department/marine_patrol_unit.php
  • Patrons can park in Wauconda Park District parking lots, but should avoid parking in the Fest Lot and Softball Lot (600 North Main Street) during the hours of 7:00 am-4:00 pm Monday-Friday as this is reserved for Wauconda High School student permit parking.
  • For questions or concerns, please contact the Wauconda Park District at 847-526-3610 during office hours.

Community Center

In an emergency you can leave your car parked in the lot, but you must call the office at 847-526-3610 to inform the Executive Director of the reason. 

Parking Passes

Fitness First

14 years old and in High School. 

A parent or legal guardian needs to sign the waiver each time a fitness/open gym pass is renewed, or a daily pass is purchased. 

Registration Process

Resident Boundaries

A resident of Wauconda Park District is anyone who resides within the boundaries of the Village of Wauconda.  This does not include Unincorporated Wauconda.  If you are uncertain of your status, you can check your property tax bill to see what park district you pay taxes to.  If the Wauconda Park District is not listed specifically, you are not considered a resident of the Wauconda Park District. 

This is a program that allows non-residents to pay a fee (equal to what their tax payment to the Park District would be if they were Wauconda Residents, based on their property tax) to gain resident status for one year.    

Scholarships are available for a number of different programs run by the Park District.  We only provide scholarship opportunities to residents of the Wauconda Park District. 

How do I create an account?

After creating your account please check your email and confirm. Once this is done, you’ll be able to log in to your account with your username and password.  

Call the office at (847) 526-3610 for assistance in resetting your account.  Please do not create a new user account as it creates duplicates in the system.  



The Wauconda Parks Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization that supports programs and services of the Wauconda Park DistrictThe Foundation works closely with District staff to develop projects that will enhance the District’s programs and servicesThe Foundation hosts 2-3 fundraising events annually.



When the District is considering a large improvement, development, or rehabilitation of a park or facility the District will explore different grant opportunities.   

The District has been successful in the past in its efforts to obtain grant funding for various projects.  The following are some examples of Grants the District has most recently received. 

2019 OSLAD Grant Phils Beach – This Open Space Land and Development Grant is a matching grant administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources.  The District received $400,000 in matching funds for this project.  This grant helped with the redevelopment of Phil’s Beach. Improvements included a splash pad, expanded beach front, the purchase of inflatable play amenities for the deep water, and the construction of a bath house and concession/guard office.   

2023 OSLAD Grant Osage Park – This Open Space Land and Development Grant is a matching grant administered by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The District received $473,500 in matching funds for this project.  This work is planned to begin in the Fall of 2023 and includes resurfacing of the tennis courts, the addition of two pickle ball courts, the resurfacing of the basketball courts to include a basketball court and futsal court, fitness stations, and improved accessibility.   



Students in our 3 and 4 year old Preschool classes must be potty-trained before the first day of classStudents in our 2 year old program do not need to be potty-trainedStaff will not change a student who has an incident, parent/guardian will be called to assist 

2-Year-Old program ratio is ⅙ .

3-Year-Old & 4-Year-Old program ratio is ⅛.  

Yes, we lock our Preschool doors during class time.  


No cell phones or tablets are allowed at campWe cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items.  

Only if your child can be at camp by our designated departure time for the field tripAfter that we do not have staff to supervise your child.    

We do not offer changes in schedule or refunds once the session has been paid for in full.   

Campers must be responsible for their own money on field trips or when purchasing concessions at Phil’s BeachYou can add money to your household for your child to purchase concessions at Phil’s Beach so they do not have to have money in hand.  

We do not offer changes in schedule or refunds once the session has been paid for in fullChanges can be made before full payment if there is room in the program.  


All park locations can be viewed here.

Call the Park District main office at 847-526-3610 or call 911 for emergencies.

Twenty-two (22) years of extensive usage deteriorated the condition of the skate park equipment, making its use unsafe for further use.  The equipment was determined by our Park District Staff to have little value, so the District declared the equipment as surplus and disposed of it in the most economical way possible.

At this time there are no plans to replace the skate park, but staff will continue to evaluate current trends and research options to replace the skate park. We offer teens affordable recreational opportunities through use of our fitness center, open gyms, programs, and open space in our parks.