An ordinance adopting the Wauconda Park District rules and regulations for the operation of district parks and other facilities.

Dog Policy
Pets are welcome in our parks, however for safety reasons, some areas are not acceptable for them. Pets are not allowed during any special event in which there is a high concentration of people in a confined area. Pets are also not allowed on any play field area. These areas include bleachers, or spectator areas, soccer, baseball, softball fields, dugout areas, court areas, or playgrounds. Pet owners are required to keep their pets on a 6′ leash at all times and remove droppings. Please kindly understand and respect this policy. Ordinance 2.04.

Photo/Privacy Policy
The Wauconda Park District uses photographs of participants in programs & special events to inform others about the recreational opportunities available in our community. We do not use identification in our brochure without prior consent. If you do not wish to have your picture taken, please inform the photographer. All personal information given to us through registration will be kept confidential. At no time will the WPD give, sell or release personal information without your prior consent.

Class Schedules
All classes listed in the brochure have dates that detail when the class will meet. If a class is missed during the scheduled session for instructor illness or other conflict, a “make-up” class will be added to the end of the session or a class will be extended. A note or a call from the park district, or a class announcement will communicate that change to you. We are only closed for major holidays. Again, please refer to the class schedule or call as we do NOT follow the school’s schedule for all classes.

Notice to Parents:
Drop Off and Pick Up
Attention parents—it is your responsibility to walk your minor child to and from class. Dropping kids off in front of our building is considered a safety issue. If a child is left unattended after a class or activity for a long period of time, we will call the police.

The Wauconda Park District is currently a member of PDRMA—a risk management pool made up of 154+ area park districts. Through their directives and guidance we are constantly striving to make your park district the safest it can be. For liability purposes the Wauconda Park District requires an adult to sign a waiver before participation can begin. The Wauconda Park District provides NO insurance for any injury or damage that may occur. We strongly recommend that you check with your insurance carrier.
The Wauconda Park District complies with the Americans for Disabilities Act. Persons with special needs are encouraged to contact the park district regarding accommodations to our programs. You may also contact NISRA at 815.459.0737, which we are a member of, who can assist you with the programs and services they offer. NISRA offers a full line of programs from infant to senior and Special Olympics.
To qualify as a resident, you must reside within the village. Households located in unincorporated Wauconda are considered NON-RESIDENT. If you are unsure, you can check your property tax bill to see what park district you pay taxes to. PROOF OF RESIDENCY MAY BE REQUIRED.
Freedom of Information Act
Behavior Policy
To ensure safe and enjoyable programs, activities, and facilities for all residents, the Wauconda Park District has developed the following Code of Conduct. Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times when involved in Park District programs, activities, events, leagues, and while using the Park District Facilities and Parks.
1. Show respect to all participants and staff.
2. Refrain from using foul or obscene language.
3. Refrain from causing bodily harm to participants and staff.
4. Refrain from communicating threats, inappropriate comments or actions that can be considered as any type of harassment, direct threat or actions that poses a threat by gesture, words, or actions.
5. Exhibit tolerance and courtesies and commonly accepted behavior towards our diverse community.
6. Show respect to equipment, supplies, and facilities.
7. Exhibit good sportsmanship at athletic events whether an active participant or observer.
8. The use, suspected use or consumption of alcohol or illegal substances on Park District property is prohibited. While alcohol is approved for select special and off property events, it is expected that all residents and participants will exhibit good judgment and moderation when alcohol is consumed.
The Wauconda Park District reserves the right to dismiss without refund any participant who violates the behavior policy. In addition, if it is felt that such actions pose a threat to the general safety or welfare of other participants, an individual or group may risk consequences associated with the summoning of the Wauconda Police.