New Year’s Eve Party (62+ yrs)

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New Year’s Eve Party (62+ yrs)

at Wauconda Park District

Come ring in the New Year with old and new friends! We are hosting the 14th annual New Year’s Party, so grab a friend, dress to the nines, and prepare to have a spectacular time. You won’t go home hungry because we will have lunch served to you by local dignitaries. After lunch we will enjoy some light entertainment. Dancing encouraged. Registration will be taken at Wauconda Park District or Wauconda Township. Please pre-register by December 9.

Friday, December 16  |  12:00-2:00pm

Location: Community Center at Wauconda Park District

Fee: Pre-registration $6

Day of registration $10

Min/Max: 25/100

Code: 3810   Register in person at the Community Center or online by clicking on the code number.

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