Concert in the Park – THE MESSENGERS – Chicago

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Concert in the Park Thursday, July 22  |  7:00pm-8:30pm
Featuring THE MESSENGERS – Chicago!
Modern rock, pop, country and alternative hits.
Grab the kids and lawn chairs, then head out to listen to music brought to you by the Wauconda Park District and Wauconda Area Library.
Our concerts are held by the picnic pavilion at Cook Park.
Bring your own picnic or come hungry, our grill we will have hot dogs and brats and the fixings. The grill will be open 30 minutes before concert to 15 minutes after concert. Come grab a soda, ice cream, chips or candy to munch on during the performance.
Location: Cook Park Pavilion
Thursday, July 22
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Free. Everyone is welcome!

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