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BOY’S DAY “SUPERHERO” is cancelled due to low enrollment.
Pre-register by October 1st.
We are pleased to welcome you to our Boy’s Day!
This event is a great way to spend a very special day with dad, grandpa, uncle, or special friends. Get all dressed up in your favorite Superhero costume and come to enjoy a great afternoon with some boy-time and a very special Superhero visitor.
We are accepting friend requests for seating up to six guests per table. Our day will include games, crafts, and even a little Superhero dancing. You will also be treated to a delicious lunch served at your table with punch and soft drinks.
A Superhero party wouldn’t be complete without an assortment of Superhero treats. Every boy will go home with a special goody bag.
We cannot wait to see you for our Superhero Day!
Pre-registration by October 1 is required.
Location: Community Center
Min/Max: 25 couples
R/NR Fee: $46/$58 per couple ($16 per additional sibling)
Pre-register in person at our Community Center or online via our link……/Activity_Search/8895
Code: 3972

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